Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutors - How to Choose a Tutor

Organic Chemistry Tutors - How to Choose a TutorHaving an organic chemistry tutor can be a great help to students who find themselves overwhelmed with the subject. But which tutor will you choose?The key to choosing an organic chemistry tutor knows what traits you want in a tutor. It is important to remember that there are no guarantees when selecting tutors, so it's important to find a tutor that you feel comfortable with. Here are a few tips to help you choose the best tutor for your needs.Ideally, you should find a tutor who is truly interested in helping you succeed in organic chemistry. This will enable the tutor to provide you with all the assistance and guidance that you need. Because your tutor has an interest in your success in organic chemistry, you will have a mentor that will work closely with you.While this may seem obvious, many tutors aren't focused on helping you be successful. They may be new to the field and don't know where to start. If they do offer to teach you a t a lower rate than they charge their customers, do not accept the offer. Instead, consider another tutor who is experienced in the field.You also want to choose a tutor who is willing to go the extra mile to help you succeed. Organic chemistry can be intimidating and it can take time to understand the material. If your tutor doesn't offer to accompany you to lectures, prepare for a long wait at the library.The last tip for choosing a tutor is to make sure that you feel comfortable with the tutor before you hire them. If you feel that the tutor is treating you differently than he or she treats other students, then you will most likely be uncomfortable with the entire experience. You also want to make sure that the tutor is willing to answer any questions you have in advance.As you can see, a number of factors must be considered when choosing a professional organic chemistry tutor. When looking for a tutor, choose one that is committed to helping you to understand the material and to help you succeed. Since it can be difficult to find a tutor that can truly help you, consider hiring someone who you are comfortable with.Choosing an organic chemistry tutor can be an incredibly stressful task. It's important to make sure that you choose a tutor who is committed to helping you reach your goal. If you follow these tips, you should be able to choose a tutor that you are happy with.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Finish the Year Strong_Its Never Too Late for a Career Makeover - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Finish the Year Strong_It’s Never Too Late for a Career Makeover - Introvert Whisperer Finish the Year Strong_It’s Never Too Late for a Career Makeover I’m not a sports fan, but it’s been impossible to ignore my cities baseball team, the Kansas City Royals, win the World Series.  The other thing not easily overlooked is how they play the game.  They end much stronger than they start.  In fact, the oddsmakers gave the Met’s the game each time after a couple of innings.  It’s fun to defy the odds!   I think this is a good metaphor for each of us during this time of year.  We often look at January as a good time to reset our goals.  We use November and December to coast to the end often with the attitude that it’s too late to impact anything in our career.     But, what if you decided to do what the KC Royals do and finish strong?   Let’s look at some things you can do to give your Career a Makeover and end the year strong:   One big thing.  I always advise my clients to start a new job and find one big accomplishment they can complete in the first 90 days.  You can do that right now.  It should be visible and also important to the boss to get the most mileage from this action. Personal Brand spa treatment.  Your Personal Brand is composed of several elements created by consistent behavior.  Pick one thing you’d like to change the minds of others and make your plan starting today.  What can you begin doing differently from today forward that will in some way change how people at work perceive you? Learn a new skill.  Not just any skill but one that will help you toward your next career goal. Tighten up the relationships.  We all let our relationships slide.  We forget to stay in contact.  We take the people at work for granted.  Change that today.  Ask co-workers and even the boss out to lunch or for coffee.  Stop by and chat with someone and get to know them better.  This will pay big career dividends. Learn the business.  You may think you know enough about your business or industry to do your work and that may be true.  There is always something new to learn that can enhance your work.  It can spark new, creative ideas for improvements or a new productivity tool. Start planning now.  It’s a perfect time for you to get a jumpstart on your career planning.  Don’t wait until January, do it now and get it going.   If you’ve been in a career slump, it isn’t fun.  You can easily get out of the slump by taking a few actions that will create more energy and motivation.  This is just what you need to end the year strong. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential. Bonus Tip: Adapting is key to your career survival, growth, and advancement.  Get Free Instant Access to Video series The 5 Most Common Ways Introverts Commit Career Self-Sabotage and How to Avoid Them.  Click here now:  Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran, Introvert Whisperer, dedicated to unleashing your career potential.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Enhance Comprehension and Clear Concepts with Online science tutor

Enhance Comprehension and Clear Concepts with Online science tutor A large number of the parents find that their kids are battling in science subjects. A few students are good in science subjects. However despite everything they require assistance for enhancing their grades. They assist in this with solving tough science assignments. Students can overcome their disappointment and accomplish their academic goals. This is by just going in the online world to locate the coveted online science tutor. Learn Complex Topics And Score Top Grades With An Online #Physics Tutor â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) October 12, 2015 It is watched that numerous students who are good in English and math. Students lose their grades due to science subjects. Whatever the reason may be either absence of interest in science subjects or confronting difficult to comprehend. It is regardless and they ought to get certain imprints to accomplish good grades. It is until the student lands at graduation level. Inclinations of online science tutor Online tutoring deals with all science subjects like Environmental sciences, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, physics and a great deal more. A profoundly qualified and specialized educator for your coveted science subject. This can adequately coaches every one of the topics and areas of curriculum. Science homework help is more affordable, convenient and time saving. Your youngster can get tutors assistance from home. This is as per his own particular time schedule, making you free of brain from the hassle of pick and drop. It is to a sure region in your occupied life schedule. This medium gives excellent communication by an open talk between the tutor and student. Student can ask the same number of question and can be in contact with the tutor in his time of need. Highly experienced accessible online instructors groom your comprehension. As well as help their students in unraveling home assignments, worksheets, projects; experiments on time. Furthermore it helps them in getting ready for their tests. Online Tutor apply more engaging methods for showing and as opposed to a private tutor. For the one who concentrates on content just and student regularly get loose interest, bored and get befuddled in long theory. In Online classrooms and master tutors make subjects like Physics and Chemistry easy. This all enhances the students comprehension and makes even the hardest issue soft and easy to mind. How Science instructor takes a shot at internet By the blessings of internet online tutoring is turning out to be truly popular. Web tutoring is operated through determined applications so this permits the tutor and student to communicate with unmistakable sound and visual picture gathering. This class room additionally incorporates a whiteboard. Board for sharing chatting, drawing, exchanging notes and writing. Reaching The Edge Of Success Is Possible With Online #Biology Tutor â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) October 13, 2015 By this pattern educator dependably starts with the qualities and weaknesses. It is done by taking after the extraordinary science assignment help. For this they get ready specific specially designed curriculum and examine tests for each student. Curriculum that help them to investigate, clear their concepts and build comprehension in specific areas of related science subject. In an online science tutor company and you can function as either an employee or as contractor. You will come to think about these after you are hired and you will come to think about the working hours. There are a few organizations which will essentially verify your credential and make you hired in some other company.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Accounting Courses in Belfast

Accounting Courses in Belfast Where to Find the Best Accounting Classes in Belfast. ChaptersWhy Bother Taking an Accountancy Course?The Different Types of Accounting Qualifications.Your Options for Accountancy Courses in Belfast.If you’re looking to get into the world of accounting â€" for a career in accounting â€" you’re going to have to do an accounting qualification. There are plenty of different options to choose from, from the undergraduate degree in accounting to the postgraduate, from the pathway to be a chartered accountant with one of the professional bodies to diplomas in financial accounting, management accounting, and auditing.Whichever you choose â€" and there isn’t strictly a ‘best’ option â€" you’ll be covering the central accounting principles, from the financial statement to the cash flow statement, from business law to the theory and practice of business decisions and financial transactions. Each will give you a firm grounding in the arts of accountancy and bookkeeping.The thing about professional accounting is that, if you want a succ essful career, you really need to complete the training from the correct professional bodies. This is pretty much a certainty. But there are increasingly so many ways to do it that it can be a little overwhelming.So, let’s talk through some different ways to become qualified â€" so that you can actually call yourself one of the chartered accountants.Find accounting courses in Cardiff and accounting lessons in Edinburgh too! Or you can find online accounting tuition here.But first…Studying for an accounting class can be tough. DevanshAccounting Teacher 4.90 (31) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OmarAccounting Teacher 5.00 (10) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JaniceAccounting Teacher 4.80 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DorothyAccounting Teacher 5.00 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AmirAccounting Teacher 5.00 (5) £80/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BickyAccounting Teacher 5.00 (58) £50/h1st lesson free !Discover all our tutors NaimishAccounting Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MikeAccounting Teacher 5.00 (6) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Bother Taking an Accountancy Course?As we just mentioned, if you want to become a qualified management accountant, public accountant, or any other type of professional accountant, you are going to need to ensure you are recognised by one of the professional bodies.For those of us in Northern Ireland, we have a couple of these to choose from. The most prestigious are the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW), the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS), and Chartered Accountants Ireland. The respective designations that these will give you will open the door to plenty of career opportunities. (There are more bodies, as you’ll see below).And this is the thing. Chartered accountants are always going to be in high demand. In financial management, by auditors, in a school of business, in your own business management, you’ll have so many career paths and career options that all the fuss of getting qualified will seem worth it in the long run.If you’re into financial analysis, information systems, and managerial concerns, you’ll certainly enjoy it â€" as you’ll be at the heart of the world of business.Also, whilst ‘accountant’ or ‘bookkeeper’ admittedly doesn’t sound very sexy, there are loads of jobs that such a qualification prepares you for, including forensic accounting and governmental or public accounting. And you needn’t feel like you are limited to a business environment â€" because all public organisations really need an accountant at the end of the day. So, you could end up with both the analytical skills and technical skills and the opportunity to do something good with it.Oh, did we mention? Accountants and auditors can take home a pretty tidy sum at the end of the year. If nothing else, this may be worth you r while.Find accounting courses across the UK or learn accounting in London.This is exactly the opposite of what accountants doThe Different Types of Accounting Qualifications.As we said above, the world of accounting and finance is presided over by professional bodies. If you are working with businesses, they are going to want to know whether you are trustworthy, professional, and competent â€" and it’s these professional bodies that rubber stamp you.And alongside the ICAEW, the ICAS, and the CAI, there are a couple more to be aware of. There’s CIMA, the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, and then there’s the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.All of these are fairly respected bodies â€" and you’ll find that most courses, any accounting degree, or any diploma that you see will be accredited by one of these organisations. The one that you pick will be up to you, honestly.The main differences between the different bodies are as follows.The ICAEW’s AC A Qualification.In the UK, the most in-demand public accountants and professional accountants in general are those with an ACA qualification. This is awarded by the Institutes of Chartered Accountants, of which the ICAEW is a part â€" as well as by the CAI.For these, you need to stack up 450 days of professional experience with an accredited employer, over the course of five years. This is also the amount of time you have to complete the training â€" and sit all fifteen exams. This thing about the accredited employer is something different to most of the others â€" as you have to commit to that job, and that place, for that amount of time.For CIMA and ACCA qualifications, this doesn’t apply. You have three years to complete the respective courses and you’ll need three years of professional experience too â€" but you can do this whilst working with any employer you like (as long as it’s relevant).CIMA? Or, the Difference between Management Accountants and Financial Accountants. You’ll have noticed that CIMA specifically refers to management accountants. And whilst this body boasts a huge number of members worldwide, you’ll be following a different sort of career path.The difference between these two types of professional accountants is that management accountants tend to work in businesses, whilst chartered accountants more generally work for external auditors or independent accounting firms.As a management accountant then you’ll be more concerned with corporate finance and the language of business.Introducing AAT.For those of you not yet at the stage when you want or need to be chartered, there are the formal but more foundational accounting qualifications that are run by the AAT, the Association of Accounting Technicians.Most technical colleges will offer diplomas accredited by AAT, which progress according to level. In these courses, you’ll be covering all the stuff from financial data, financial reports, and financial records, but if you want t o become chartered, you’ll have to go and do one of the above qualifications subsequently â€" or else take an accountancy degree at undergraduate or graduate level.By the way, find accounting courses in Manchester and learn accounting in Birmingham!Finish your accounting course and look like this professional dude.Your Options for Accountancy Courses in Belfast.As one of the UK’s major cities, there is no shortage of opportunities to learn to be an accountant in Belfast. From a business school to a graduate certificate, from specialised finance academies to private tuition, there are plenty of different routes to follow.Here are some of the best ones from across the city â€" designed to get you into professional accountancy.If you're still at high school you can find accounting lessons for high school students here.Take an Accredited Accountancy Degree at Queen’s University Belfast.One of the nicest ways to start out on the road to a career in accountancy is to join a degree p rogram in the subject. The one at Queen’s University is particularly good â€" as it is recognised and accredited by CIMA, ACA, and Chartered Accountants Ireland.Across the three-year course you’ll study everything from tax laws and tax preparation to advanced financial accounting and international business. You’ll also get a lot of transferable skills in the meantime.Watch out for the entry requirements. This is a degree level program â€" so you will have the correct A Levels to be considered.Pursue a CIMA Qualification at the Richard Clarke Academy, Belfast.On the Stranmillis Road, you’ll find an institution offering a specialised CIMA-accredited course. These, you’ll remember, are designed for the route into management accountancy â€" and are aimed primarily at recent graduates.They’ve been going for ten years already and are prepared for everything: helping you practice exam questions, delivering lectures and classroom support, and even offering online tuition.The cou rses cost a wee bit â€" predictably â€" but the Academy pretty much guarantees that they’ll get you chartered.Join an Accounting Graduate Diploma Course at the Ulster University.Like QUB, Ulster University also offers accredited courses in accounting. These are recognised by ACCA, CIMA (you’re getting the hang of these acronyms now!), and Chartered Accountants Ireland.The course they offer is specifically a GradDip, meaning that it is best if you have a degree already. There are English language requirements too, by the way â€" for those international students reading this.This course takes a year!Prepare for All Accounting Exams with a Private Tutor from Superprof.If you want support for any of your accounting qualifications, you may well benefit from finding a private tutor. These can provide bespoke tuition on the things that you are struggling with particularly â€" and they are nice enough to give you lessons from your favourite café, your front room, or wherever else you w ould like to learn.At Superprof, we can connect you with five private accounting tutors across the Belfast area â€" who can help you with all aspects of the course.So, if you are taking those accounting exams, this is your place to find some extra help!Or else, find accounting courses in Leeds, or learn accountancy in Glasgow.

Online Statistics Tutoring

Online Statistics Tutoring Get Statistics Help Right Now! Our Online Statistics Tutors Are Available 24/7. Statistics can be one of the most challenging classes you ever take. Many students struggle with important concepts like variance and distribution, but you dont need to get stuck on an assignment. Tutor Pace has experienced Online Statistics Tutor available to help you with your homework and test prep. Our tutors are even available any time of the day or night to give you accurate and easy-to-understand assistance. 24/7 access means you are always prepared for your next exam. Intuitive Online Statistics Help: Trying to learn Statistics over the internet may seem like it would be difficult, but we make it easy in our virtual classroom. An interactive whiteboard allows you to work on your problems in a live, personalized session with an expert tutor. This innovative online learning experience has already benefitted millions of students worldwide and is growing more popular every day. Comprehensive Statistics Tutoring: Our tutors arent just good at the basics. Each tutor is certified to be able to help you on any question you encounter. Whether you are in high school or college, in regular, honors or AP classes, our online Statistics tutors are capable of making tough concepts easy to grasp. They will cover: Exploring data through numerical and graphical means Understanding normal distributions Analyzing statistical relationships Probability Random Variables Sampling Distribution Inferences Our Statistics tutors are dedicated to your improvement and will help you gain confidence in your abilities and score higher on assignments and exams.

Become A Better Listener And Negotiator With Acting Skills

Become A Better Listener And Negotiator With Acting Skills Communication Techniques: Learning To Act Enhances Listening And Negotiating Skills ChaptersActing Skills: Offering More Than Just CreativityIf you take on an extracurricular activity or start a new hobby, you inevitably gain a whole set of new skills and imagination, whilst also developing on valuable life skills. Taking Drama classes is no different and the confidence gained can have a great impact on your communication skills.different behaviours and attitudes which can be challenging to learn to cope with.While you may share a mutual passion for dramatic and artistic theatre, that doesn't mean to say that you necessarily agree with how your peers present themselves in drama school. By learning to put up with potentially loud and insensitive people in a Drama workshop, you can be sure that you can be prepared to tolerate almost anyone in the workplace! Not to mention be able to have a two-sided conversation with them whereby you each listen to each other, not interrupt one another, and manage to make joint decisions.Not to mention a boost in your creativity throu gh improv sessions that will help you think on your feet during brainstorming meetings with your bosses.Learning to listen better can enhance your communication and social skills. Photo on Visualhunt.comLearning To Act Can Help You Improve Your Social SkillsThere is nothing more frustrating than having to repeat yourself over and over again before the person you talking to finally understands or acknowledges your point, so don't be that person who doesn't fully engage in conversations or who is easily distracted by elements outside of the circumstance.Similarly, don't be that individual who is having an emotionally-loaded chat with a friend, nodding along in agreement or sympathy, but in reality is thinking about what he or she has to wear out to a party later that evening.When you have things on your mind, it can be quite easy to lose the thread of conversation and drift into your own world for periods of time. Listening is important in keeping your loved ones close, as it shows th em that you are being sensitive to their feelings and enables you to conduct yourself in a more diplomatic and responsive way.Many would say that speaking and listening are skills that are dying out thanks to digital communication, but when it comes down to it and technology fails us, our personal interaction is always there and ready for action.In truth, there are few scenarios in life where it is better to put something down in writing to convey a really important message.Though it can be sensible to put complaints and matters of a professional nature in writing for administrative reasons, there is something to be gained from sitting down and following your email or letter up with a face to face conversation.Don't you find that you are able to negotiate discounts or returns procedures much easier if you are able to have a one to one discussion with a manager rather than getting wound up by pointless emails being mailed back and forward? Drama lessons teach you well-rounded communi cation skills which means that you can remain calmer in difficult situations, listen more carefully, and react with poise and politeness (even if you have to bite your tongue!).Actor training can  teach you many of these skills through the various different types of performing. There is, for example, the Sanford Meisner or Meisner technique, Method Acting, the Lee Strasberg ideology, Stella Adler acting and the Alexander method, to name but a few. These techniques will each provide tips like relying on your instinct, embracing spontaneity in the moment, working on your improvisational reactions and projecting emotion.How To Improve Social Skills: Make You Listen And You Really HearListening is a vital skill for any performer, especially those who are often involved in improvisation work and must react quickly and feed off of others' comments. Plus, actually listening to your co-star talking transforms a scene into a more authentic performance, as opposed to just standing and waiting for cue line.The Meisner technique particularly encourages this idea of being able to participate in the present, and imagining that there is no one else in the room other than the actors on the stage.Method Acting, however, requires ongoing commitment and asks the actor or actress to become the character they have studied, working on every aspect of their on set personality, even when they leave the theatre. Preparing for a creative performance in such an intensive way and becoming the roles that your casting director has been coaching you to perform can be quite to maintain though in front of everyone you know, so train in this way is a tough exercise and requires a lot of inner strength. Not to mention supportive family and friends who can encourage you to succeed in reaching your goals!If you are dedicated to your acting training, an Emmy or an Oscar could well be yours!As a result, the scene becomes a true conversation instead of a rehearsed set of lines.Listening to your dire ctor's instructions is vital. Photo on VisualHuntMoreover, any person who watches a performance on-stage or on-screen, including TV shows, soap operas, musicals or films,  benefits from being a good listener  as taught by an acting course because it allows them to really appreciate the action and get the most from what they are watching.If you don't make the effort to appreciate a performance, then you will become a passive listener.There is a big difference between hearing and listening.Hearing doesn't require much effort whilst listening means actively processing details. Even though you may care deeply for the person who is opening up to you, your brain could skip the listening process and jump straight to problem-solving or looking for a solution to make them feel better. However, sometimes people just want a shoulder to cry on and someone to truly hear them.Educational establishments are aware of the positives that drama classes bring to their pupils and their ability to commun icate and interact in other academic lessons on the curriculum.Communication Techniques In The Workplace: Acting Makes You A Smoother OperatorActing classes teach you about the discipline of  physical movement and expression, which includes helping you to showcase that you are listening as well as helping you to actually listen in a lesson or while you rehearse, as well as on the theatrical stage. This tuition can then influence the way you act in your personal and work life.During your acting workshop, you will learn about important techniques like  posture and body language (such as smiling, making eye contact and nodding your head as nonverbal cues) as well as vocal coaching tips which help you to master the art of timing (i.e. not interrupting, summarising and paraphrasing).As such, the set of communication skills that you will develop from mastering acting techniques will make you much better in situations whereby you need that little bit of extra charm. For example, if you hav e a particularly difficult boss, then by improving how you respond to their nonchalant attitude (i.e. smiling and continuing to listen intently to their side of the argument instead of rolling your eyes and sitting back in your chair) can help you to co-exist and even to begin to work much more cooperatively alongside each other.If you are interested in signing up to a respected acting school, then you can search online for acting courses near you and read testimonials and feedback from those who have studied there and gone on to find success in an acting career or went on to pursue a different avenue.Other than helping you boost your confidence and improve your communication, acting for film, Broadway or simply for fun focuses the mind. It also provides you with the opportunity to add a dynamic craft to your resume, helps you to reign in your emotion and hone your auditioning and interviewing technique.Looking for drama classes with an acting coach?Find drama classes LondonDrama cl asses Glasgow CarlActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ElifActing Teacher 5.00 (10) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CalumActing Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChristopherActing Teacher 5.00 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £85/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielActing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CiaranActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors

Singing Lessons for Kids Does My Child Have It

Singing Lessons for Kids Does My Child Have It Suzy S. Singing lessons for kids are the perfect way to support your little ones interest in music. But while you know its important to encourage him or her to dream big, how can you be sure your investment is worth it? Learn the answer in this guest post by Grand Rapids, MI voice teacher  Kelsey P... As a voice instructor, I am often asked by the parents of my students, “Does my child have ‘it’? Not always in so many words, but when a young ambitious student declares that they want to be the next Katy Perry in the first lesson (this has happened on more than one occasion), parents want to know how long to encourage their child’s dreams, and at what point to steer them in a different direction. While I understand the desire to have a professional tell you where your childs skills really lie, my response is usually not what they want or expect. This is not American Idol. I am not Simon Cowell. I teach singing lessons for kids with various levels of skill and talent. Some of them may actually find careers in music, most of them probably won’t. My point of view isthat’s not the point of taking music lessons. Let me explain. Most of my students are young like 10 years and under. They don’t know what they want to be when they grow up. Even if they want to be Katy Perry now, they may change their minds five more times before they actually are old enough to really make that decision, so it wouldnt do any good for me to judge them so harshly and force them to make that decision prematurely. My job is to help my students have fun learning how to get better at singing. If youve ever worked with children you know that they are usually learning the most when they are playing. So, we play singing games, music games, and we sing songs the kids are interested in. I allow them to have guided fun, and encourage them to practice so they can get better. Any instrument gets more fun when your skill improves, so practice is key to having fun! Not only are kids learning about music in their singing lessons, they’re also learning about setting goals, work ethic as they practice, and how hard work can actually be enjoyable. Not to mention all the studies that show how music education improves math skills and can help students with so many other areas in life. So don’t worry so much about whether your kid has “it” or not. Let them develop naturally as little musicians without the pressure of a career hovering over the both of you. Investing in music education is always a good choice for your child’s development. Kelsey P. teaches singing, songwriting, and guitar lessons in Grand Rapids, MI.  I have a Bachelors in Music from Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, MI and I have been a full time working musician for two and a half years. Learn more about Kelsey here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by  orangeacid

Online Antiderivative Tutors

Online Antiderivative Tutors Derivatives and anti-derivatives are the two important methods used to solve questions in Calculus. Anti-derivative is the process of finding the area covered below the graph of the given function. Anti-derivative is the opposite of the derivative process and is commonly known as the process of Integration. Example 1: Find the anti-derivative of the function, f(x) = x3- 2x In order to find the anti-derivative of the above function, we can use the formula The Power Rule of Integration says that (x) n dx = x (n+1)/ (n+1) + c where c is a constant Using the above formula we get, f(x) dx = x3+1/ (3+1) - 2x1+1/ (1+1)+ c f(x) dx = x4/ 4 - 2 x2/ (2)+ c f(x) dx = x4/4 x2 + c Example 2: Find the anti-derivative of the function, f(x) = 5x4 + 4x3 x-2 In order to find the anti-derivative of the above function, we can use the formula: The Power Rule of Integration says that (x) n dx = x (n+1)/ (n+1) + c where c is a constant Using the above formula we get, f(x) dx = 5 * x4+1/ (4 +1) + 4 * x3+1/ (3 +1) x-2+1/ (-2+1) + c f(x) dx = 5 * x5/ 5 + 4 * x4/ (4) x-1/(-1) + c f(x) dx = x5 + x4 + 1/x + c

Kids Wish Their Doctors Would Talk to Them about ADHD

Kids Wish Their Doctors Would Talk to Them about ADHD A recent study found that kids with ADHD would like to talk to their doctors directly about ADHD medication and ADHD symptoms, but dont often ask the questions that are on their mind. Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill surveyed 70 kids between the ages of 7-17 who were diagnosed with ADHD and were prescribed ADHD medication by their pediatricians or primary care providers. One-third of the kids said that they wished their doctor spent more time talking to them directly about their ADHD, and 57% percent reported that their doctor spent most of the appointment talking to their parents. So, what do kids want to talk about with their doctor? What are the questions that are on their mind? The kids in this study were presented with a list of questions related to ADHD or ADHD medication and were asked to choose the questions that they would like to ask. On average, kids selected 8 questions. The number one question, chosen by 75% of the kids, was Will I outgrow my ADHD? Other top questions included: Do a lot of people have ADHD? Are there other things I can do at home to help my ADHD? Should I take my ADHD medication every day? The results from this study suggest that opportunities are being missed that would otherwise allow kids with ADHD to feel heard and to participate in their treatment from an early age. ADHD is a chronic disorder, and one that requires a high level of parent involvement throughout childhood and adolescence. However, parent involvement doesnt need to be at the exclusion of child participation in appointments, treatment planning, and day-to-day management. In fact, gradually encouraging your child to take a more active role in managing his or her ADHD can be empowering. If your child is accustomed to sitting in the background while the adults in the room discuss ADHD, then it will probably take some encouragement on your part to get him or her involved in his or her own care. The following tips will help you prepare your child to talk to his or her doctor at the next appointment. Start the conversation at home. A few weeks (or more) before your childs next appointment, start having conversations about questions he or she might like to have answered by his or her doctor. Many kids feel embarrassed about having ADHD, and may hold back during these conversations with their parents. Thats okay. Take it slow, and help your child feel more comfortable by sharing some things that youve been curious about when it comes to ADHD. Follow your childs lead. You want to encourage your child to talk to his or her doctor if he or she has questions, but you also dont want to force the issue. If your child seems overwhelmed in conversations with you at home, ask them to privately write down one or two questions he or she might like to have answered about his or her ADHD. Tell him or her to share the questions with you or keep them private, its his or her choice. The goal is to get your child thinking about his or her ADHD and things he or she might like to ask the doctor, even if he or she is not ready to talk about them right now. The day before your childs next appointment ask him or her if he or she would like to have the opportunity to ask the doctor some of the questions you had discussed (or that he or she had written down). If he or she hasnt done so already, encourage your child to write these questions down ahead of time so he or she can recall them easily during the appointment. During the appointment, create space for your child to speak by letting the doctor know that your child has some questions. Then turn the floor over to your child. Teens and tweens may prefer to talk to their doctor privately about their ADHD concerns. While parents should always be involved in appointments that include a discussion of ADHD symptoms and medication side effects, the doctor can set aside a few minutes for an individual discussion with your child. Encourage your teen to ask the doctor if they can have a few minutes to discuss ADHD one-on-one. By creating opportunities for your child to actively participate in their ADHD treatment you are providing an opportunity for your child to learn skills that will serve him or her well for a lifetime. The more empowered and the more involved he or she is in his or her treatment, the more your child will feel in charge of his or her ADHD. For additional study information: Betsy Sleath et al. (2017). Youth Views on Communication about ADHD and Medication Adherence. Community Mental Health Journal, 53: 438-444. DOI: 10.1007/s10597-016-0078-3 ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.